REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is a European Union chemicals regulation (EC) 1907/2006, which came into effect on June 1, 2007. REACH addresses the production and use of chemical substances and their potential impacts on both human health and the environment.
As a manufacturer of electronic power supplies, PULS is a “downstream user” in the sense of the REACH regulation. Detailed information about “downstream user” roles and obligations are published on the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) page.
For all PULS standard units, we publish the REACH compliance via our Material Declaration of Conformity (M-DoC) in the product download area on our website.
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REACH conformity processes at PULS
REACH compliance processes at PULS are based on the Standard IEC 63000 (Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances). The collection of information is based on the supplier declaration and / or contractual agreements. The following business processes have been set up to ensure that all relevant data for issuing REACH information is available in time:
- The qualification of our suppliers includes a compliance verification whether the supplier can fulfill REACH requirements.
- The qualification of our purchased parts includes the verification and recording of all relevant REACH information from the supplier (esp. regarding SVHC).
- The qualification of our components, which are developed in-house, includes the verification and recording of all relevant REACH information from the supplier (esp. regarding SVHC).
- Updated REACH information from our suppliers is handled by checking the supplier notifications, which we receive.
- In frequent product audits
- we review the currently valid ECHA “Candidate List” for additions and updates and act accordingly in compliance with the REACH regulation if necessary.
- we carry out a sample analysis to check component compliance for substances that are listed in the so-called ECHA “Candidate List“.
- During supplier audits we check the implementation in compliance with REACH at our suppliers.
We would like to inform you that our products, as an electronics manufacturer, are not subject to the registration requirements under REACH Annex XIV. REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals) is an EU regulation aimed at improving the protection of human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals. Annex XIV lists substances of very high concern (SVHCs) whose use is only permitted with specific authorization.
Our electronic devices are classified as “articles” and not as “substances”. This means that during production, they acquire a specific shape, surface, or design that more strongly determines their function than their chemical composition. REACH obligations primarily pertain to the registration, evaluation, and authorization of substances and not directly to articles.
We continuously monitor our supply chain and work closely with our suppliers to ensure that no substances of very high concern are present in concerning amounts in our products. Should such a substance be present in our products, we will, of course, take the necessary steps to ensure compliance with REACH and inform you accordingly through our Material Declaration of Conformity (M-DoC).
ECHA SCIP database
Companies that supply articles containing substances on the Candidate List (SVHC) and place them on the EU market are obliged to provide ECHA with information on these articles.
This means:
- Since January 5th 2021 PULS submits the SVHCs information to ECHA via the SCIP database, in case that PULS brand devices contain SVHCs.
- For all of its standard devices which contain REACH-SVHC substances, PULS GmbH has timely stored the information required for this in the EU’s so-called SCIP database. PULS records the SCIP-ID for the respective standard device in the product related M-DoC (Material Declaration of Conformity).
- Customers who place PULS standard products on the market within the European Union can use this SCIP ID to store their own SVHC data in the ECHA SCIP database.
Since September 15th 2021, ECHA has activated access to the SVHC database, under which the SVHC data stored by PULS can be called up.
Please click on the following link and enter the corresponding PULS article no. under Article Identity/Identifier.
How to search information in SCIP database
More details on how to get SVHC data via the SCIP database can be found in the following video.