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Power for makers

MakerSpace Munich © Patrick Ranz

Power supplies for start-ups

Power for makers

MakerSpace Munich © Patrick Ranz

MakerSpaces are a dream come true for every inventor. Tools, machines, sparks, iron filings and like-minded people make it such a cool place to be!

But there is much more to the MakerSpace than a workshop for private handicraft: every corner is filled with innovations and technology waiting to be discovered. For example, one team is working energetically on a prototype of a transportation capsule for Elon Musk’s Hyperloop.

Thanks to these committed projects, and especially the creative people behind them, the MakerSpace is one of the most important meeting places of the regional start-up scenes.

Many start-up and maker projects need to power up the electronic components of their inventions. Power supplies are, therefore, quite in demand with the makers. That’s why PULS has displayed some of its DIN rail power supplies in various MakerSpaces and offers free samples for many projects.

Icon pencil
Icon ruler
PULS logo
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Electronics Lab in Munich

The Electronics Lab provides machines and know-how for prototyping.

Experienced trainers pass on their knowledge to makers during regular workshops, starting with the basics, such as soldering and the correct application of measuring equipment to more complex tasks, such as PCB manufacturing and assembly.

The Electronics Lab also houses the PULS Power Bar. Makers can check out samples of the PULS power supplies and request free units for their prototypes by scanning a QR code.

MakerSpace projects

The PULS Power Bar is already very popular. More and more makers are requesting PULS power supplies for their prototypes. Our power supplies are already integrated in the following exciting maker projects.

#1 Variobed

Florian Schmid

Integrated PULS power supply:
CS5.241 | 24V, 5A single-phase DIN rail power supply

“My bed is a self-made construction that I can lift up to the ceiling electrically, so I have more space in my room. So far, I had a Meanwell power supply in use, but it broke recently. Now I am pleased with the PULS CS5. I’m sure that it will last longer.”

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#2 Race car

Maker team:
TUfast e. V. Racingteam

Integrated PULS power supply:
CP10.121 | 12V, 16A single-phase DIN rail power supply

The power supply is being used in the latest TUfast race car. The team will start with this setup in the upcoming Formula Student season.

TUfast Racingteam Formula Student 2017
MakerSpace Munich Workshop © Patrick Ranz

Power supplies for your prototypes

You are a dedicated maker or a young start-up and need power supplies for your prototypes? No problem!

Get in touch with us and tell us about your project. We will check how we can support you. Of course, this offer also applies to German and Austrian start-ups outside of Munich.

MakerSpace Hack'n'Talk

Community, workshops, events

The MakerSpace is all about cooperation, creative exchange, sharing experiences, learning from mistakes and much more. Therefore, the MakerSpace teams provide interesting framework programs. The following activities are currently planned in the MakerSpaces that PULS supports:

UnternehmerTUM MakerSpace in Munich:

Happylab MakerSpace in Vienna:

MakerSpace Amstetten:

  • Events
    Opportunities for collaborative work in a technical environment

MakerSpace HTL Hollabrunn:

  • Website
    Community for makers, upcyclers and tinkerers