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UPS systems ensure greater reliability in critical infrastructures

In this blog article, you will learn why UPS systems are indispensable for ensuring a reliable and stable power supply in critical infrastructures, which components are needed for this, and which standards they must meet. […]

IO-Link- and EtherCAT-enabled power supplies: How can they help you optimise your system performance?

We see a global shift towards a data-driven economy developing at unprecedented speed which heavily affects the future role of data in the manufacturing industry. Therefore smart manufacturing is becoming increasingly important, data-driven insights are crucial for optimising system performance and ensuring operational efficiency. The power supply is placed at a central nodal point in every system and records a significant amount of real-time information that is of particular interest to the operating company as well as the system manufacturer. A growing line-up of PULS power supplies give you access to this information via IO-Link or EtherCAT. In this blog article you will learn how you can profit from those solutions now and in the future. […]

More electric drives, less pneumatics: What does this mean for the power supply?

The shift from pneumatic to electric drives is a well-known development in the industry. However, in recent years, this topic has gained significant momentum. This is due to the continuously increasing cost pressure and the ever-stricter requirements for CO2 reductions. In both areas, the advantages of electric solutions prevail. This blog article illustrates, using the example of OEMs in the automotive industry, how smart industrial power supplies support the transition from pneumatic to electric drives. […]

What is the meaning of the IP ratings for power supplies?

The IP rating indicates to what extent an electrical device is protected against the penetration of foreign objects and moisture. In this blog post, you can find out which IP codes there are, what the differences are between them and what you need to pay attention to when choosing a power supply. Environmental influences such […]

Analysing backfeeding events with the help of power supply data

Backfeeding is a physical process that is highly desirable in many applications, such as electric vehicles, for the purpose of energy recovery. However, in an industrial setting, backfeeding can be a problem and lead to costly system downtimes if the power supply units fail. In this blog article you will learn how power supply data […]

Efficient power supplies – An investment in the future

In the search for a suitable power supply, the costs play a major role, alongside the technical requirements. The focus is often on the initial purchase price, while other potential costs that may be incurred during the operation of the power supply are not taken into consideration. In this blog post, we demonstrate why the […]

What does the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) tell you?

MTBF is the measure for the reliability of a device or system component. In this blog article you will learn what exactly is meant by MTBF, why it is an important quality indicator for power supplies and how it differs from service lifetime. The term MTBF appears in the data sheets of various technical system […]

How can the availability of a system be increased?

For plant operators, the primary goal is to ensure maximum availability of machines and systems. This requires a reliable power supply throughout the entire lifetime of the system. Therefore, it is important that the applied power supplies are reliable, safe and durable. Within a power supply system, however, the power supply unit is often just […]

Parallel connection and redundancy of power supplies – What is the difference?

You are in need of a higher total power for your system or machine, or want to ensure a reliable power supply? Common solutions include the parallel connection or establishing a redundant power supply system. In this blog post, you will learn more about the definition, the differences and the correct use of both system […]

What does daisy chaining mean for power supplies?

The colloquial term daisy chaining has established itself as a description for the direct connection of technical devices in series. In this blog article, you will learn what you should consider if you want to operate several power supplies in a daisy chain. Daisy chaining refers to a wiring scheme in which several devices, such […]