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Code of Conduct

The PULS Group is committed to the cross-industry Code of Conduct of the ZVEI and the VDMA.

At PULS, we are committed to applying the ZVEI and VDMA Code of Conduct (CoC). This code enjoys a high level of acceptance as an industry standard in the electrical and digital industries, as well as in mechanical and plant engineering, and is therefore also applied extensively in our supply chain.

It is also designed in such a way that all due diligence obligations according to the “German Supply Chain Act” are addressed, so that we can also confirm our compliance in this regard (for customers within the scope of this law).

However, the CoC is only a minimum standard; in most of the relevant areas we actually exceed these requirements. The topic of “ESG” (Environmental, Social & Governance) enjoys top priority at PULS.

We focus on fully meeting the social obligations arising from the CoC as well as our own corporate values. We therefore refuse to sign CoC of our customers, as the associated tasks (auditing, monitoring, reporting, etc.) represent an effort that we prefer to invest in our own compliance. To avoid this transaction cost should be in the interest of our customers, too.

In addition, our customers should be aware that a company that signs numerous different CoCs in order to be listed as a supplier will certainly hardly be able to actually implement these numerous and sometimes very specific requirements. We assume that our customers appreciate that we take a differentiated approach to the issue of compliance and that we focus on our integrity rather than on supplier checklists.