Many of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are substances that have been identified as hazardous, persistent, mobile and environmentally persistent as so-called “eternal chemicals”.
On October 14, 2020, the EU Commission adopted its Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and a Pollutant-Free Environment.
Based on this strategy, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published a PFAS restriction proposal on February 7, 2023, which aims to restrict the use of around 10,000 PFAS and the placing on the market of chemical products and articles containing PFAS in the EU.
On September 22, 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States announced the U.S. EPA TSCA Section 8(a)(7) put into effect. The reporting or reporting requirement on PFAS information must be completed by May 8, 2025.
Tracking PFAS-free products at PULS
PULS is not a manufacturer of substances from the PFAS substance group. Our responsibility and scope for action therefore lies in analyzing the supply chains of our supplier materials with regard to PFAS applications and identifying PFAS-critical materials in order to be able to initiate appropriate measures in a timely manner in the event of legal restrictions. Where technically possible and economically viable, we will pursue the principle of PFAS-free supplier materials.
PFAS Bans along the supply chain do not currently exist for most chemicals in the PFAS substance group. We already confirm the PFAS substances that are already banned or restricted by legal regulations such as the REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 and the POP Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 via corresponding material declarations of conformity (M-DoC) for our products, which are published on our website.
Based on the information obligations of the U.S. EPA TSCA Section 8(a)(7), PULS GmbH will analyse its supply chains with regard to PFAS substances and request its suppliers to provide the required information on the PFAS substances.
Existing information from our supply chain will be incorporated promptly into the Material Declaration of Conformity (M-DoC) of our products and published on our homepage. The aim is to provide the required information on the PFAS substances via our Material Declaration of Conformity (M-DoC) by April 30, 2025.
PULS shares and supports the risk-based approach to PFAS demanded by the ZVEI – instead of a general ban.