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University Way
Bedfordshire MK43 0BT
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1525 841001
© Copyright PULS GmbH
Companies that supply articles containing substances on the candidate list (SVHC) with a mass fraction greater than 0.1% and place them on the EU market are obliged under the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC to provide ECHA with information on these articles.
This means:
Since September 15th 2021, ECHA has activated access to the SVHC database, under which the SVHC data stored by PULS can be called up.
Please click on the following link and enter the corresponding PULS article no. under Article Identity.
For further questions please contact:
More details on how to get SVHC data via the SCIP database can be found in the following video.